[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/14656955/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/ef2695/” width=”100%” height=”90″ scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”top” use_download_link=”” download_link_text=”Download Episode!” primary_content_url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/theashleyandmadisonshow/SLS.mp3″ theme=”custom” custom_color=”ef2695″ libsyn_item_id=”14656955″ /]On today’s episode I discuss the benefits of CBD and marijuana with CEO & COO of Synergy Life Science. During our discussion they break down the differences between the two and what they are working on now to help bring the purest form of the plant to the consumer and also a new product to help reduce damage to the lungs caused from smoking, vaping and even COVID.